Linda Lloyd Belief Coding Facilitator
Transform your life and find your freedom
What happens during a Belief Coding session?
What happens during the session?
A session usually lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours. You will experience a state of relaxation but will remain totally aware and in control. We work with memories and the subconscious but without needing to relive traumatic experiences. There is no judgement and it's a safe environment in which to work through and heal. You come to the session with your issue or discomfort, for example, lacking confidence, and we find out about the negative beliefs and trapped emotion connected to this. We then go back to the root cause, heal and release the trapped emotion and create new positive beliefs. The trauma is processed by the brain in a different way and healed, and the reaction in the present no longer has the same effect.
How many sessions are needed?
Many issues need only one session. Some may need more than one as layers of limiting beliefs are uncovered and healed.
I've tried everything. How is Belief Coding different?
Whilst traditional talking therapies are valuable and help many people, Belief Coding gets straight to the root of the issue. As an accredited Belief Coding Facilitator I guide you on your own healing journey. You are the healer. If something comes up in session which you don’t want to tell me about, you don’t have to! You can share as much or as little as you want. The healing process will still work.
How long does it take to work?
Lots of people experience instant shifts and transformations in the first session. Others experience more subtle changes that show up in the following days or weeks. Many issues or discomforts can be cleared with one session. Others may take more than one due to several trapped emotions being connected to the issue.